Today is 40 weeks plus one day and still no baby. I'm feeling fine and so trying to remember that she isn't really past due, that in fact she would have to stay put for another two weeks (oh please no) for her to be officially past due. It is very unusual to plan for a week away from my house that could start at any moment. At least, I think it will be a week. The Japanese hospitals are very, shall we say, thorough and so keep new mothers in (even after a natural birth) for nearly a week. From what I've seen they keep people in for an extended period for any sort of procedure. So, in the states, when you'd be sent home on the same day, here you're kept for three days.
In the meantime, we're still shopping and cooking. I finally made a delicious bread recipe that my brother recommended from
The Italian Dish website. It's an easy, no-knead recipe, where you have pre-made dough sitting in the fridge ready to bake at any time. And it's
Unlike the recipe, I made mine in a dutch oven (as per my brother's instructions) baking for 30 minutes with a lid and 20 more minutes without and it was perfect! And with this bread, we were able to have this fantastic cheese and salami spread for appetizers. Back on the photo-a-day pictures, today is "5 o'clock", which is when we got to have our bread.
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