My doctor says to do it, as it will speed up labor. It is my only means of transportation, other than a taxi or train. As my bike hasn't moved since this time last year, I'm sure it's rusty beyond repair and I wouldn't trust myself and my altered center of gravity on it anyway. But man, walking has become difficult. Besides the fact that the only shoes I can really wear at this point are my hot pink sneakers, which look decent with about three things that I own. Most of my really comfy pregnancy clothes aren't really coordinated with sneakers, but then I guess I should really let go of my ego, since I am walking around with a watermelon attached to my tummy.
The most annoying thing about the difficulty I have with walking around, is my inability to shop. I have a very reliable shopper, who is perfectly willing to go out and get the groceries, especially now that he has his flashy new scooter. But, I like doing the shopping, especially for the produce. I do not, however, like lugging it back up the hill to the apartment. Especially now, since the ever-present watermelon means that my carrying capacity is severely reduced.
But today, I heeded my doctor's advice and went out for a long walk. I did a bit of shopping, only for the necessities, and avoided going into my favorite produce place. Which fits in nicely for the photo-of -the-day theme of "Color". Oh but the apples looked so good!
I love the colors of the produce section in the grocery store. So vibrant and tempting. I always end up buying way too many and then have to scramble to find recipes to use them in!